This blog used to be a tool to motivate my students when writing their own blogs. Now I want to use it as a tool for my own learning and teaching process.
Como colofón a este curso que organiza ScolarTic, la última actividad consistía en crear un artefacto digital en el que reflexionásemos cada uno sobre el proceso de aprendizaje.
He elegido hacerlo con Genially y aunque no he sido capaz de hacerlo a partir de un lienzo en blanco, creo que a partir de una plantilla no me ha quedado del todo mal. Todo es cuestión de invertir tiempo en trastear y aprender cómo funciona.
Bueno, tras un rato de reflexión... he decidido publicar aquí en lugar de hacerlo en otro blog nuevo, aunque sea en castellano. Considero, tras pensarlo bastante, que en un solo blog será mejor agrupar lo que mi cabecita vaya queriendo expresar en el blog. Sea en el idioma que sea.
Estoy inmersa, como anuncia el título, en la reflexión acerca de mi PLE (Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje). No lo había cavilado en serio, de forma sistemática, hasta ayer. ¿Y cómo es eso? Pues porque realmente, hasta hace muy poco, no sabía ni de la existencia de este concepto. ¡Cuántas cosas por aprender y cuán poco tiempo! Pero nunca es tarde para empezar, así que en ello estoy.
En realidad, lo he hecho porque la primera actividad del curso de Scolartic que estoy haciendo ("Después del PLE, ¿qué?) es plantearse justamente esto mismo. ¿Cómo es mi PLE? viene a significar ¿cómo aprendo? ¿cómo gestiono esa información? ¿cómo la busco? ¿cómo la reelaboro para hacerla mía? ¿cómo comparto esa información o ese aprendizaje con los demás? Y aquí vino mi primer boceto de PLE. Le hice la foto y lo compartí en twitter con el hashtag #ConstruyendoMiPLE
Tengo que decir que esta foto la saqué anoche y que tras la reflexión he tachado, añadido, modificado... para luego hacerlo más vistoso con una plantilla de Y me ha quedado así:
No está mal, ¿verdad? Me ha costado un poco aprender el funcionamiento de porque, básicamente, soy muy cabezona y no me gusta mucho mirar en los tutoriales... Pero creo que tendré que "bajarme del burro" y acudir a ellos, porque me ahorrará tiempo y esfuerzo.
A continuación, siguiendo las instrucciones de la actividad del curso, compartí esta infografía en Twitter... y como se nos anima a compartir nuestras reflexiones acerca del PLE tanto en el blog como con un vídeo, allá que me he lanzado en mi primer vídeo grabado con Screencast-O-Matic.
Me ha costado un poco ponerme "en serio", porque o me trababa al hablar, o me daba la risa tonta... pero al final, he conseguido grabar algo "medio medio decente". Eso sí, me da muuuucha vergüenza oírme.
Y aquí está.
No seáis excesivamente duros conmigo... que bastante me flagelo yo. Pero sí que me gustaría que me indicárais los errores que veis en mi PLE: carencias, algo que he entendido mal o que veis de otra forma, sugerencias de herramientas... Lo que sea, estoy abierta a sugerencias y críticas constructivas.
After more than a year after my last post, I get inside my Blogger account and I try to do the dusting, cleaning the spiderwebs away and thinking... What should I do? Should I open a new blog, or can I recycle this one? I think recycling is always a good idea. So I will readapt the template and so I will use this corner to express myself. This time not only for my students but also for my partners, teachers from all around the world who may visit and read me. Who knows.
Now I am trying to improve my teaching methodologies, trying to innovate and to create. I am not a creative person, I usually say that I have to left hands because I am so clumsy, but I have learned that creativity is not only devoted to design, literature or music but creativity is everywhere. I must train harder to improve it, but I can. This is my duty for next school year, and I am working hard on it.
What am I doing? During my school holidays I am thinking seriously about how to renovate a lot my methods, my materials, my procedures. I want to help my students to be cooperative, assertive and protagonists of their own learning process. Not an easy task, though.
But nothing worth having comes easy. Remember that.
Well, as you know I have got two cats that are my furbabies :) and since having them I am a cat-person, that means that every little thing related to cats gets my attention quickly. Thus, I want to show you some funny videos about cats, having cats and cat-related daily routines. I hope you enjoy them!
This video is about before versus after having a cat in your life. For me it is very funny, as I didn't know things are like this... but they really are!!
And this is soooooooo funny... I love this type of videos where humans imitate cat's behaviour!!
Tell me what you think about cats or these videos!
No? Why? Maybe you haven't found "your book" yet. I think there is always a perfect book for every person which "wakes up" the love for books. My only advice is... keep on trying yours!
If you have answered "yes", welcome to a fantastic and endless source of joy and entertainment. As I personally know, reading can be very very addictive and funny, but the pleasure of reading is very subjective and even intimate to be fully explained. You have to "live it to understand it"...
By the way, do you know "trailerbooks"? I have recently found them out. Trailerbooks are "trailers" about books, so they give a glimpse to what is the book about... like a trailer does with its film.
Last week some students of 3rd of ESO (bookworms like me) asked me about my favourite book ever. My answer was fast and clear, I have no doubt... because I consider this book as a mixture of all the ingredients I love most in a book: love, action, mystery, sorrow, loss, friendship, adventure, magic... It has all of them
The title is "LA SOMBRA DEL VIENTO" (In English, it was translated as "The shadow of the wind") by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. I bought it in 2005 and I am going to re-read it soon for a literary workshop.
But my first idea for this post was to speak about trailerbooks, so I am going to show you some of the best trailerbooks I have found on YouTube about this book. Some of them were made by students as school projects.
What do you think about trailerbooks? Would you like to do a trailerbook for a book project? Let's think about this. And actually, after having seen these trailerbooks of "La sombra del viento", do you feel like reading this book? Tell me!!!
Sometimes I find interesting websites that I consider worth sharing with other people. In this case, I would like to show you this website called Boredpanda which is frequently updated. The posts can be about anything... but they usually have one thing in common... the photos are incredible.
As Halloween is celebrated this week, now the main part of the posts are around this topic, as you can even see in the website design.
In this website you can find very weird posts about amazing things, funny facts about something, incredible photos, supertender pictures with puppies, kitties... have a look and tell me if you don't find some thing that catch your attention! It is impossible!!!
I encourage to choose one and show it in your blog and talk a bit about this. Which one would you chooose? I am very curious.
I think smiling is the perfect way to communicate. Sometimes you cannot speak the other person's language but if you smile, something that separated you, disappears. Something new is created. Some bond... I don't know.
So... as a famous quote says... "Smile... as you don't know if someone will fall in love with your smile".
Songs that make me feel better.
Songs that make me smile.
Songs that I consider as relaxing.
Songs that help me to disconnect.
Songs that wake me up.
... A lot of categories of songs that save me from sadness, boredom or worries.
If there is a group with a song for each situation, this is COLDPLAY. No, you can't be the only person in this world that isn't aware of my favourite music band. They are fantastic. Their songs are sublime.
Don't you think so?
Paradise, The scientist, Fix You, Yellow, Strawberry swing, Another's arms, Always in my head, Atlas, Christmas lights, Clocks, God put a smile upon your face, True love, Us against the world... I could go on and on and on... and mention every song.
But now, in this moment, these days my favourite one, the one I like most, the one I can't get tired of listening to it once and again is...
I have no words. I think it is simply... PERFECT. As magic is always...
Do you like photography? I think it is very interesting and it is an art. As a very clumsy and non-type art person, I am so fond of people who are able to capture some aspects of life that are astonishing. For example, I usually have a look at science magazines like "Muy Interesante" or "Quo" and I always find incredible photos, like these ones.
As you can see, they are very different from each other, but each one is very powerful, in my opinion. They make me think a lot about what I am watching in each photo... for some minutes.
I love also very old photos that show unknown people. Some of them speak volumes (this means they tell a story about something, a very powerful story indeed!). For example,
I can spend a very long time imagining the personal stories behind all these people. Where did they live? Did they have a good life? Were they happy?
Yes, I am very curious and I love guessing stories...
We are all different, that is so obvious that I won't focus on differences. I want only to highlight the things we all have in common, even with people we don't agree with or people we don't like at all.
We all have need of basic things like food, water, a place to live and some friends to love. All have a family and we care about our dearest ones. All bleed reed blood if we get hurt. All suffer when we are in pain. Everybody has got some problems sometimes.
Like every other person, we all get worried when things don't happen as we expected they would. Each of us get angry when others talk at our back. Everybody hates lies and dishonest people.
All of us hate injustice, but we all know that sometimes we have to accept things we wouldn't want to, but life is like this.
So... let's think about what other things we have in common, because we have more similar characteristics than we thought before.