Sunday, March 16, 2014

Air traffic (amazing!)

This morning a friend of mine has recommended this video on her Youtube wall, and I have to tell you that I think it will make you feel so small!

In this video we can see the air traffic that is generated above our heads. I admit I had never thought about this kind of thing before! And you?

Have a look!

Europe 24 from NATS on Vimeo.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

My cat from hell

As I have explained in the previous post, I am very keen on watching as many cat-related videos as possible... and I recently discovered an American TV programme called "My cat from hell"... it is similar to "El encantador de perros" (In the American version it is called "The dogs' whisperer") but in this programme you can see cat owners who are really desperate because their cat's bad behaviour... sometimes it is about a cat who is too shy, sometimes the cat is too aggressive, biting and scratching the owners... a lot of problems can happen, and the cat expert, Jackson Galaxy, always offers a series of steps and advice to be followed in order to solve the cat behaviour problems.

It is very interesting, as I am a recent cat adopter and I have no previous experience with cats! If you are also a cat lover, I recommend this programme to you.

Simon's cat

As some of you already know, I have recently adopted two female cats, and I am absolutely fond of them since the very moment I saw them... I had never thought about having pet cats, but something changed inside me... and now I am another cat lover! :)

I am reading a lot about cats, and I am also interested in cat magazines, cat guides and cat documentaries... but believe me when I say that I am a real fan of Simon's cat... the protagonist of this Youtube series! If you like cats, or even if you don't like them... I recommend this series to you. It is very funny!

Here you are all the episodes (one follows the other, and there are not enough Simon's cat videos in my opinion, they are too short and so funny!!!)

If you see some of these videos, please let me know your opinion about them!!! :)

More vocabulary clouds (Tagxedo)

I told you about vocabulary coulds in previous posts (here and also here), but recently I found out another online tool called Tagxedo to create word clouds with some predetermined shapes. You can create those clouds with the text you type into the box or, as I have done myself, with the text of a particular website. In my case, I have typed my blog address... and Tagxedo gets the more frequent words and transform them into a shaped figure.

These are only four examples:

I hope you like this tool, and I recommend it to you in order to revise for an exam in an original way! You can also use this with your school projects.